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Testing out India Ink...


After years and years of listening to my husband "Remember that one piece you did in Ink..." I decided to pick up a bottle of India Ink and give it a try. I played around with just solid ink and mixing it with water to get different variations... My first piece was a wolf.

As much as I hate to let him know, the husband was right. This was a fun medium to work in that gave me some darker imagery than I normally work in. Since there was a "Black and White" show coming up at Art Gallery of Viera I decided to do another piece...

This time an Octopus. The background wasn't as solid dark as I would have liked (above) so later I did a few more layers of ink to reach the desired effect, I also captured a time lapse for both.

Here is my first go at a short demo, time lapse, and voice over.

Both pieces, as well as prints, are currently for sale.

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